Saturday, October 3, 2009

Just Dru-it

Now many people ask me why I decided to spec my druid balance, or "Moonkin" if you prefer. And the reasons are as complicated as they are numerous but it really comes down to two major things:

1. Balance Druids have some of the coolest as well most numerous nicknames of any class. In case you doubt the validity of that statement here are a few examples:
-Noobkin (e.g. Whoapaw)
-Owl Beast
-That furry thing that just passed me in dps

2. NO EFFORT NECESSARY (just like picking up Shystechris' mom). For you to gain a better understanding of why this is a reason for speccing Balance I will fully explain my approximate rotation.
-Spam Wrath
-Circle pops up over your head
-Spam Starfire
-Circle pops up over your head


  1. Sounds like a noob rotation to me... No DOTs??? I think you might want Moonfire and IS in there... -GodKin... aka Whoapaw

  2. Forgot some:
    - Dirty Yardbird
    - Feathered Aggro-Grabber (acronym?)
    - Furry Hooter
    - Colonel Sanders Reject
    - FIBRO (For Innervate and B-Res ONLY)
