Tuesday, October 6, 2009

T9 Balance Druid Set Bonuses

Ever since patch 3.2 tier gear has become increasingly simple to get. I mean hell you can get your T9 (ilvl 232) 4-piece set bonus for only 160 Emblems of Triumph and you can purchase the entire T9 (ilvl 232) set for a mere 210 Emblems of Triumph. Now that Sated has cleared 10 TotC I'm getting to a point where I get at least 30 Emblems of Triumph each week. Now my only issue is what do I spend all of these Emblems on. After buying the Band of the Invoker (35 EoT), the Idol of Lunar Fury (25 EoT), and whatever pieces you need to ensure you get your T9 2-piece set bonus (MF critting is an amazing bonus that you must have) between Runetotem's Mantle of Conquest and Runetotem's Handguards of Conquest (30 EoT each) there's not much out there. There's a decent hit trinket Shard of the Crystal Heart (50 EoT) but considering you should be hit-capped already and new gear is having and an increasing amount of hit on it the 128 hit is kind of a waste of a stat. Now my first thought was to work towards the 100 EoT needed to purchase gear for my T9 4-piece set bonus. Unfortunately the 4% increase to the damage of wrath and starfire isn't worth the loss of my 15% increase to eclipse until I can get ilvl 258 gear... which is a ways away. So I guess what I'm saying is I'm going to have a lot of crusader orbs and Icecrown Citadel hurry up and get here so I can collect new emblems that hopefully aren't worthless to me.


  1. Icecrown Raid is gonna drop ilvl 251 on 10 man =)

    Its already on the PTR--so my guess is that its a mere couple of weeks away.

  2. Oh- and it looks like ur photobucket account is inactive. Fix that shit. Hahahahahahha

  3. God I hope it's only weeks away cuz then I won't feel bad spending all these emblems on tank spec

  4. Oh ya? See you guys in a couple of weeks then lol

  5. Have you decided is the 4 piece set bonus worth it? My BF keeps trying to convince me to lose some of my 245 drop pieces and go back to the 4 piece for the set bonus and I think he's full of it. It doesn't seem all that great when I loose about 100 haste and 7% crit rating....
